Difficulties experienced by everyone are always within a context of relating to others. This can be with friends, family, work colleagues or housemates, even though it can feel that one's problems belong solely to oneself.
The Group is often the ideal place to explore relationship problems. It can provide multiple perspectives and the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others.
We are all born into a family group, regardless of the specific membership, such as single parents or same sex parents. For this reason, groups are the most natural arenas for dealing with all of life's stresses. It is through our family groups that we first learn how to relate to others.
Whatever your concerns and interest, Group Psychotherapy enables you to explore how these earlier experiences of relating have shaped your current situation. Perhaps you are looking for ways to deepen your understanding of relationships or just feel frustrated and unhappy that they are not working out in the ways you had hoped. Maybe you are disappointed in aspects of your working life and know you could be more creative and fulfilled. These days, we are living in a competitive world which is fast moving and emphasises the individual, which leaves people feeling alienated from one another. Group psychotherapy challenges us to slow down, to sit and feel and think with others. This makes it possible to confront questions about power, envy and inequality, as the group grapples with the injuries of living in an unjust world.
Psychotherapy Groups provide a safe space where issues that concern you, can be thought about in depth in a climate of support and understanding. These Groups are places which provide a setting where you can be yourself and relate to others as yourself.
We have several in person small groups that offer evening times, in Islington and Hackney and online evening groups. We also offer a specialist psychotherapy group for Doctors only, that is suitable for medical practitioners of any discipline, stage in training or status within the profession. This group is currently online. All of the groups require a weekly commitment for 1.5 hours, with holiday breaks. We also offer twice weekly groups. Fees vary between £85-£140 a calendar month and are negotiable with each Group Psychotherapist.
If you would like to find out more, please do phone or email, (please Click here for easy access) either just to discuss things or to arrange an initial consultation. We are able to offer our services online as well as in person.